“Truth is…” allows readers to get esthetician-backed advice without having to step foot into an office. In each article, certified skin therapist Samantha Mims shares her do’s and don’ts, product recommendations, and more to help you along your skin care journey.
Since we have officially shifted into the winter season, so many of us have experienced change in ways that were expected and other forms we couldn’t imagine. I’ll speak for myself—this was certainly a transformative start to the new year for me. With a set of new goals, personal life alterations and committing to invest in my health this year; I have a lot to work towards. However, collectively, we all have some common concerns that we’re struggling with—and one of them is connected to our skin.
Dryness is the number one condition I’m currently treating most of my clients for. Realistically, we know that the cold weather will affect us but what we don’t mention are the other factors that contribute to dryness like overly heated apartments, lack of vitamin D, specific nutrients, and dehydration.
I know the first thing we think about is our routine and what we should be doing to address this concern from a topical standpoint but there’s so much more to it than just our product choices.
Truth is, we have to analyze this from all angles and begin to make the necessary shifts in our lifestyles to see some real change. I’m not claiming to be a specialist in anything besides skincare…but I know a thing or two through my own experience and I feel it’s important to share it with you all.
Below for my top tips to combat dry skin this winter and beyond.
Use A Humidifier
One of the simplest ways to combat dryness and dehydration at home is through a humidifier. It may seem small but it is extremely effective at adding some moisture back into the air of your living space. If you’re a city dweller, it’s likely that your apartment gets its heat from central systems.
Some are controlled and others aren’t. In either situation the heat is constant, resulting in dryer air. Not only does this affect our skin but it disrupts the quality of our sleep and how we breathe. Between Dyson’s chic formaldehyde purifier or an ordinary humidifier, try adding them throughout your home or in the room you spend most of your time in. Your body will thank you for it.
Use Water Filters
I made the decision to swap out my old water filters for new ones including my shower head and it has been the best choice for my household. Hard water has a negative effect on our skin, exacerbating existing skin conditions such as dryness, eczema and deteriorating our hair.
Internally and externally our body thrives on clean, purified water. One of the bonuses of a filtration system is less waste—something the world can benefit from. Bottled water adds up in many ways and if you enjoy drinking a lot of water this will end up saving you time and money. Take this step to renewal and upgrade your lifestyle with systems like Pur and Jolie.
Incorporate Antioxidants
The health of our skin is determined by many factors such as lifestyle, genetics, stress and our environment. When you think about your skin you must consider your inner health in addition to your skincare regimen. How are your eating habits? Are you taking your vitamins and supplements? In this synergistic approach, you come closer to obtaining your idealistic skin goals.
In my attempt to invest in my health, I started to include tinctures and immune supporting mechanisms into my routine. It has supported me internally and externally, allowing me to feel and see the difference in my body and my skin.
Antioxidants in all forms, whether consumed or applied topically, act as a protective barrier and will gradually improve your skin and its resilience inside and out. I’ve tried a lot of different herbal brands, however, I find that Moss Medicine has an array of herbal medicines that actually work. I take their Soursop leaf tincture first thing when I wake up and right before bed. Additionally, I consume a teaspoonful of their Bee Immune honey—and other times use it topically as a face mask. A balancing act that is addressing all of those “in season” concerns.